I need vacations in Mexico!! I would like to pool and go to mexico but i not sure wich city i would like to go to because i think that mexico is a country with too much things for to be. I see information over the culture of mexico and this country have very much museums and the ruins of the natives culture in the more important citys be these very well retained because be these a patrimony of the world and i think that is very important for the country and of their tourism and their economic. Other place of Mexico that attrac my attention is de beach in the east of the country because the climate is very nice and the sea is quiet and turquoise, i think that should be a place very different of everything the beach of Chile because the pacific ocean is more frozen and heavy. So i will should very interesting meet other ocean. I am a fanatic of the spicy food, i like the aji, the merken and i love pebre HAHAA and as far as i know the food in mexico is really spic...
Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2019