Today I want to talk about animals that have come into my life in a very strange way.
When I was a child I could never have an animal in my house because my grandparents didn't like them but I always find to have animals.
One of my first partner was a frog. My aunt is a veterinarian and in that environment she studied. One day I came to the house with a little frog and he told me that if he didn't take it, they would kill him so he gave it to me. The frog was half clumsy because I had a tumor in his head, anyway, that frog became my best friend, I slept with her and every day I took her to the garden to sunbathe.
There was also a time when my grandmother arrived from the fair with choclos to make humitas and when she started cooking she realized that there was a worm and I found it so beautiful! So I adopted him as my new friend, I showed him all my friends and made him a little house, it hurts that a friend stole it from me and our friendship didn't last long ...
Also once my dad found a hamster in the street he gave it to me and it was called "ron" (I was 10 years old, I really didn't give him the name myself) that little friend also lasted a short time since he escaped.
In general I love animals very much in all their forms and colors and I find it fun to share with different species one learns a lot from them.
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