In general, I love movies a lot, I'm very good at watching movies, I'm a big fan of cartoon movies, but I don't want to talk about movies because there really are TOO many movies that I love a lot and many that I hate a lot too, so I'm going to talk about my scartoon favorite series: Avatar. The first time I saw Avatar, I was very young and didn't get much attention. Then when I was 18 I found on netflix and I started watching just out of curiosity... I finished her in two days.... I fell in love with the story, the characters, the colors, the costumes, the mythology they invented, but all I fell in love with the value perspective of the series. Avatar is a series for children but I never felt it that way, I think the story has very beautiful content about how to live, how to see good and evil and how to know oneself. After seeing, obviously I showed her to my younger brother, we saw two times and we played to face the powers of avatar JAJAJA. Then I showed it to ...
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Today I want to talk about animals that have come into my life in a very strange way. When I was a child I could never have an animal in my house because my grandparents didn't like them but I always find to have animals. One of my first partner was a frog. My aunt is a veterinarian and in that environment she studied. One day I came to the house with a little frog and he told me that if he didn't take it, they would kill him so he gave it to me. The frog was half clumsy because I had a tumor in his head, anyway, that frog became my best friend, I slept with her and every day I took her to the garden to sunbathe. There was also a time when my grandmother arrived from the fair with choclos to make humitas and when she started cooking she realized that there was a worm and I found it so beautiful! So I adopted him as my new friend, I showed him all my friends and made him a little house, it hurts that a friend stole it from me and our friendship didn't last long ......
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When I was 14 years old I knew the music of Camila Moreno and at that time I felt that her music represented me a lot and every time she released a new album I felt that her music was very representative of what I liked, it didnt matter how old Ihad, I always liked his music and in the last year (May 25 in specific)make she last concert at the caupolican theater. she would take a break from the music and I had already gone to other concerts of her before but this was the best life ever. He had a beautiful scenery of purple and blue colors and she had many invited artists to sing with her, he made acoustic moments that were very exciting and also his music was contextualized with the feminist movement in last year, it was a great moment of many sensations, Camila Moreno is a artist who knows how convey emotions in a very sincere way that's why I love her so much. I have a hard time deciding which song I liked most about the concert but I think it was the acoustic mom...
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I need vacations in Mexico!! I would like to pool and go to mexico but i not sure wich city i would like to go to because i think that mexico is a country with too much things for to be. I see information over the culture of mexico and this country have very much museums and the ruins of the natives culture in the more important citys be these very well retained because be these a patrimony of the world and i think that is very important for the country and of their tourism and their economic. Other place of Mexico that attrac my attention is de beach in the east of the country because the climate is very nice and the sea is quiet and turquoise, i think that should be a place very different of everything the beach of Chile because the pacific ocean is more frozen and heavy. So i will should very interesting meet other ocean. I am a fanatic of the spicy food, i like the aji, the merken and i love pebre HAHAA and as far as i know the food in mexico is really spic...
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the experience writing in my blog was very nice!!! I think that I learned too much whit respect to the writing and reading, although I still have a hard the English but I now I feel that I have made some. As well it was very funny learn about my colleages and your experiences in the different aspects in your life. I think that the blog is a very nice opportunity for learn English in a different form much more didactic and interesting. My writing skills was improve and now I now much more words and I have learned that I don't need as much stuff as I thought the dictionary JAJAJA the truth is that I don't like to much the English, I like learn about other languages and my career was have very little labor fuel that I doubt take up English in my life except I go to the a country speak this language. in the future I like writing in my blog about other them more quotas about politics or about what we think about controversial issues, we could generate debates, although that w...
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my favorite place in Chile is Las turbinas in Chillan this place is located nearly termas de Chillan and is easy arrive. The first time and only time that been there was when the last summer whit my friends, we got camping. This place is very beautiful, has twos waterfalls and a little forest and there is no camping zone but is very relaxing, you have swim in the river, sleep in the forest and eat lots noodles because is nothing here, there are no eatings stores. An anecdote i when there is that for arrive Las turbinas you have cruce the forest and whit my friend we where lost and a dog that was on the way he guided toward the waterfalls and he went got, he was how protector oh the forest. As well in this place i learned swim because the water in the river is very quiet and have places less deep. You only need to visit Las turbinas!!
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O ne of my favorite bands since I was 10 years old is Miranda. I have always liked Miranda because the lyrics are very sad but the melodies are very "poperas" and they really want to dance. When I was a child I was very embarrassed to say that I liked miranda because it was taboo that the main singer was gay because he was doing makeup, but now I love them without shame and I sing all the songs together with my friends at any party or place. It is difficult to choose the song that I like most about miranda, but in these moments the one I like the most is "743" because they really want to dance, but when I was a girl the one I liked the most was "uno los dos" because it was very sad JAJAJAJA and the video was in a dollhouse and I liked that aesthetic the best thing is that I could see them live and it was wonderful !!! the only bad thing is that the space was very saturated and it was very difficult to da...