One of my favorite bands since I was 10 years old is Miranda. I have always liked Miranda
because the lyrics are very sad but the melodies are very "poperas" and they really want to dance.

When I was a child I was very embarrassed to say that I liked miranda because it was taboo that the
main singer was gay because he was doing makeup, but now I love them without shame and I sing all
the songs together with my friends at any party or place.
It is difficult to choose the song that I like most about miranda, but in these moments the one I like
the most is "743" because they really want to dance, but when I was a girl the one I liked the most
was "uno los dos" because it was very sad JAJAJAJA and the video was in a dollhouse and I liked
that aesthetic
the best thing is that I could see them live and it was wonderful !!! the only bad thing is that the space
was very saturated and it was very difficult to dance :(
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